Hi all
I had a good solution to compare two dates in a confluence user macro.
I checked both dates with the millisecond timestamp.
#set( $modDateTimeMillis = $childVersion.getLastModificationDate().getTime() )
#if( $modDateTimeMillis > $startDate.timeInMillis)
#set( $dummy = $allVersions.add($childVersion) )
But since the update to confluence 7.4 the “getTime()” function gives no return value.
How can I get the milliseconds from a date?
or even better:
Does anybody know, how I can compare two dates in a confluence user macro? The DateTool of Velocity dosen’t seems to work in confluence.
Regards, Dominic
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Hi @DominicLagger,
I will try to get some help for you.
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The Confluence server team have confirmed that the impact of this change was not intended. They’re looking into a workaround, but will also be able to rectify in a bugfix release.
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Hi Dominic,
Please try using Date’s compareTo function. It should work, depending on where startDate comes from.
#if($startDate.compareTo($childVersion.getLastModificationDate()) < 0)
(or > 0 if I’ve got that backwards )
Note that the other way round will not work for the same reason that getTime() is broken.
## this won't work
Thanks for finding the bug!
Hi @DominicLagger,
I would highlight one more point here on top of @DonWillis’ mentioned workaround.
The reason your date object is not working because we have places restrictions on java.sql.* usage in velocity files to security issues. This was restricted in 7.0.1.
Since the object returned from childVersion.getLastModificationDate() is a java.sql.Date instance, your getTime() has stopped working.
Please let us know if you are okay with the workaround.
Thanks a lot for all the suppot!
Is there somewhere I can watch the ticket?
First, I have to explain where the startDate comes from:
The startDate comes from a parameter in the user macro, which gives a german date in a string format.
#set( $startDate = $action.dateFormatter.getCalendar())
## Parse the parameter, which is a date in german format like "28.05.2020"
$startDate.set($year, $month, $day, 0, 0, 0)
This gives me a calendar date. The Calendar API says, that the compareTo method needs Calendar parameter. But the “getLastModificationDate()” returns a Date, not a Calendar.
What I did:
I get the Date from the Calendar with:
#Returns a `Date` object representing this `Calendar` 's time value (millisecond offset from the [Epoch](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Calendar.html?is-external=true#Epoch)").
Now I can compare the two Dates with
#if( $startDate.getTime().compareTo($childVersion.getLastModificationDate()) )
And that worked for me!
Thanks a lot for the hints!
Regards, Dominic
I am now having some issues with the java.sql.timestamp object which is created when running issue.getUpdated() function, in VTL.
The $issue.getUpdated() function returns a timestamp. I want to compare the issue.getUpdated() with a linked issue timestamp; $linked_issue.getUpdated(). However, as mentioned above i cannot run any function on the timestamp object after version 7.0.1.
I wonder if you have a workaround for comparing update timestamp of two issues?
I solved this by having to convert the timestamps into Date objects in the java backend. Then send all the Date objects of each issue to the VTL by using a map.