Hello everyone,
We have recently upgraded to 8.20.10 from 8.2.1 and now im running into issues with custom emails which were previously working to generate a comments history
I need to start by getting the ComponentAccessor
Previously this worked: #set ($componentAccessor = $constantsManager.getClass().forName('com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor').newInstance())
I saw this topic following a search where another user had a similar issue: Velocity NumberTool Use
From there im learning the getClass is no longer available and saw there was a solution
This was my attempt after trying to use the answer in the question above as a starting point, but its not working : #set ($componentAccessor = $constantsManager.get("jirautils").loadComponent("com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor",$constantsManager.getClass()))
I also tried it just as written in that answer but with the ComponentAccessor class alone and it didnt work either.
Does someone know what I should call instead for that?