We are migrating our plugin from Jira v9.x to Jira v10.0.1:
Now, when we migrate from Jira 9 to Jira 10, we are facing an issue that the vm templates are not being rendered.
Basically, we are using servlet to redirect to the vm template, but seems that due to some reason the vm templates are not being rendered:
Can you please guide me on is there any configuration changes or other changes required to render these vm templates:
<web-panel name="bdd-issues-webpanel"
i18n-name-key="ABC" key="bdd-issues-webpanel"
location="atl.jira.view.issue.left.context" weight="250">
<resource name="view" type="velocity"><![CDATA[<iframe id='issuebdd' scrolling="yes" src="${helper.request.contextPath}/plugins/servlet/issuebdd?id=${issue.key}&projectkey=${project.key}"></iframe>]]></resource>
<conditions type="AND">
<condition class="com.atlassian.xvy.conditions.xvyEnableConditionForProject" />
<condition class="com.atlassian.xvy.conditions.xvyEnableConditionForIssueType" />
<servlet name="issue-bdd" i18n-name-key="issue-bdd.name"
key="issue-bdd-servlet" class="com.atlassian.xvy.servlet.ABCServlet">