Volunteers wanted: Atlas Camp Content Review Committee

:star_struck: Help shape the content at Atlas Camp 2025, Atlassian’s flagship developer conference.

We’re looking for individuals who are passionate builders of the Atlassian ecosystem and would like to represent the community voice on the content review committee. As a volunteer on the content committee, you’ll have the opportunity to grade talk proposals, provide your valuable feedback and help elevate the content and discussions at Atlas Camp 2025.

:pray: To say thank you, we’ll give you a free ticket to Atlas Camp for your volunteer work.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out this form by November 7. A few things to keep in mind:

  • To keep things fair, if you are planning on submitting a talk proposal we ask you refrain from applying.
  • The Atlassian team will select 4 volunteers to serve on the content committee and notify everyone by November 11.
  • The content review process will take place November 18th- November 22nd, 2025. Please plan to carve out a few hours during this time to review submissions if selected.

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