Web Panel Locations

Hi there!

I am struggling a bit about the possible locations it would be able to set up in a web-panel module in connect. For example, we have “atl.jira.view.issue.right.context”. What are the other possible combinations for this variable? Does Atlassian have a doc page that displays them all?

A more specific question would be: does connect currently support a location to be set as the issues list page (where it’s possible to see all issues and input JQL queries, as in Jira)?

Any help would be appreciated.



Unfortunately, Atlassian did not feel like it was their responsibility to actually document possible locations. Luckily, Wittified was able to create a web fragment finder for Cloud which is now being maintained by the good people of Appfire (hopefully in close collaboration with Atlassian)

You can find it here:


In addition to @remie: sometimes I prefer to access the atlassian-connect.json of Web Fragment Finder directly to have a better overview of the locations:



@remie and @JulianWolf thank you so much for your contribuitions. This is exactly what I needed to address.

And yes, Atlassian definetely needs some reformulation on their docs. A lot of important stuff is missing.


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