Webhook for add or remove a user from a user group


I am working with the Atlassian-connect for the confluence cloud.

I was wondering if there is any webhook to trigger and get information when a user is added or removed from a user group. Is there any other trigger that I could use instead?


Based on the webhooks docs here (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/confluence/modules/webhook/), it looks like there are only webhook events for:

  • group_created
  • group_removed
  • user_followed
  • user_reactivated
  • user_removed

But it doesn’t sound like any of those are what you’re looking for, right?

Hello bcook

Thanks for the reply. I am familiar with these webhooks but it is not what i need at this moment.
I would like a trigger when a user has been added or removed from a group.

Thanks a lot for your time anyway.

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