Webhooks Not Triggering for page_copied and page_removed Events in Macro App

Dear community, I’m running into a situation where webhooks don’t work for my macro app.

Current Behaviour

The page_copied and page_removed events do not seem to trigger in my macro app.

Expected Behaviour

page_copied and page_removed events should be fired.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone this repo GitHub - mhsiungw/webhooks-tutorial
git clone https://github.com/mhsiungw/webhooks-tutorial.git
cd webhooks-tutorial
  1. Run npm install

  2. Start a NGROK server

docker run --net=host -it -e NGROK_AUTHTOKEN="your-token" ngrok/ngrok:latest http --domain="your-ngrok-domain" host.docker.internal:3000
  1. start project
AC_LOCAL_BASE_URL="your-ngrok-domain" npx nodemon start
  1. Register this macro app on Confluence

  2. Create a page and insert this app

  3. When you view the page, terminal will show /page_viewed event fired, but when you copy it, /page_copied event fired is not shown.

I’d appreciate any guidance and information. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Thanks!

I’ve reported this issue to the Atlassian team, and it seems that the /page_removed event not firing is a known bug (CONFCLOUD-79064), and they’ve rolled back the fix that caused the issue with /page_copied.

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