"webResourceManager.requireResource" is not working in Bitbucket

Hello Guys,

We are trying to create a .vm in our plugin and inside this .vm we need to use a .js. We did below:
In atlassian-plugin.xml, we put:

    <web-resource name="Plugin-Development Web Resources" key="resources">
        <resource type="download" name="admin.js" location="js/configs/admin.js"/>

In our admin.js, we only put below:

   AJS.toInit(function($) {
      console.log ("test");

In our .vm (admin.vm), we put the following, so, we can have our .js called there:


But, We didn’t get admin.js launched. Noting that we are doing exactly the same in Confluence and JIra. “webResourceManager.requireResource” is not working in Bitbucket? If not, what is the alternative solution?

Many thanks,

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Hi @rosy.salame,

Could you try explicitly adding com.atlassian.plugins.atlassian-plugins-webresource-rest:web-resource-manager as a dependency in your web-resource entry? I think that’s technically also necessary on Jira and Confluence, but something else just pulls that in by default.


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Hi @tobitheo, thanks a lot :slight_smile: It is working perfectly!


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