Weekly GDPR API status development - May 24

Update on the roll out of new Bitbucket Cloud, Jira Cloud and Confluence Cloud APIs

Bitbucket APIs A small cohort of Bitbucket customers on May 22, 2019 9:00 AM. The roll out will continue next week and conclude on 2019-05-29T07:00:00Z.

Jira APIs We have increased the roll out percentage to ~56% of Atlassian Connect apps for Jira on May 17, 2019 (Sydney) . All of the apps that have opt’d in so far have signaled gdpr:true. We have paused the roll out to address remaining blockers (e.g. ACJIRA-1768) which we expect to resume week of 2019-06-02T14:00:00Z.

Confluence APIs the target roll out date for Confluence APIs is now 2019-06-03T16:00:00Z

Next up: Profile Visibility Controls

The target date for launch of profile visibility controls is now 2019-06-10T14:00:00Z.

This means that if you are currently testing you have additional time to test. We will close the testing window on May 27, 2019 .

As a reminder, the API roll out mentioned above will not affect the profile data returned thru user objects. If you’ve tested the API behaviors using the Jira REST header x-atlassian-force-account-id:true and/or Confluence query parameter privacyMode=true and the Atlassian Connect descriptor flag gdpr:true , then you should be familiar with the changes that will start rolling out next week.

Following the roll out of the new APIs, we intend to release a new feature for Atlassian Account which may change the data returned thru user objects. Certain fields like timezone and email address may be hidden by a user and not return in the user object. Additionally, the user may decide to show only public versions of their name or avatar.

All of these changes including the default settings are documented in these guidelines .

If you are interested in testing profile visibility controls before we release them (target end of May) we can set up a developer instance for you. Please raise a DEVHELP ticket .

If your app requires use of email address to provide core functionality, please raise a request to access the email API. Should you use the email API without raising a request your app may be prevented from being installed .

Thank you

As always, thank you for working with us through these changes. Its been a large amount of work to complete in a short timeframe and we appreciate you helping us deliver a more trusted experience for customers.