What does Removed: `avi:confluence:removed:task` confluence event do? Triggered when the task is marked as Completed?

Confluence event:

  • Tasks
    • Created: avi:confluence:created:task
    • Updated: avi:confluence:updated:task
    • Removed: avi:confluence:removed:task

Hi @YY1,

Thanks for you question. This event is triggered when a task is removed from the content of a page or a blogpost. It could be a result of a page/blogpost edit or deletion.

Thanks for your reply.
I don’t understand why we designed this kind of event for task deletion. Maybe it will be more valuable for a task completion event trigger when someone marked a task or to-do as completed. What do you think?

Hey @YY1,

Task completion updates can be tracked via avi:confluence:updated:task events. There are two fields that track it: task.status (complete/incomplete) and task.statusAsString (CHECKED/UNCHECKED).

There is also oldTask field containing a previous version of a task. It helps you to track what exactly changed in the new version.

One note though: avi:confluence:updated:task is triggered for EVERY task on a page shortly (a few seconds) after at least one of them is updated. There will be also avi:confluence:updated:task for every task whenever the page itself is updated.

If you feel that there should be dedicated events for checking and unchecking tasks, feel free to create a suggestion here: https://jira.atlassian.com/projects/CONFCLOUD/issues/.

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Thanks. Tasks are part of page content. It’s difficult to distinguish ONLY tasks are updated while page content is not when we edit the page and update the task status. I can understand it.

A task may have more than 1 assignee. Currently, the task assignee field has only 1 assignee. I am not sure about whether it’s the problem of my test case or it’s expected.

I also tested that if we can edit the page without any change made and then publish the page, the page update event will also be triggered, which might be a chance to improve. :grinning: