What is the difference between "Add user group" in "Organizations REST API" and "Jira Cloud platform REST API"?

I’m trying to create a group with REST API and add users to it.
After investigating the REST API, ‘Create group’ and ‘Add user group’ existed in both ‘Organizations REST API’ and ‘Jira Cloud platform REST API’. What is the difference between the two REST API?

I thought that if I created a group using the “Jira Cloud platform REST API”, it could only be referenced from that site.
However, I was able to reference the group from sites other than those created using the REST API.
In that case, you won’t be able to tell the difference between the two. Is it the same?

Thanks for your help.

On the same subject, I managed to add/ remove users in groups through the JIRA Cloud REST API.
In the “Organizations REST API” (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/admin/organization/rest/intro/), I didn’t find any end point to manage groups, neither in the “User management REST API”
The only alternative place where there are some end points on groups is the User provisioning REST API (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/admin/user-provisioning/rest/intro) but I was not able make it working unfortunately.

Did you make it working ? How did you get the directoryId ?


In “The organization REST API” there is “Add user to group” in Directory.

The groupId was obtained from the URL where the group was opened.

A colleague of mine says he was able to handle it with either API.

Working perfectly, I am able to add remove a user from a given group thanks to following end point:

Is there any way to get groups members ?

It was good.
I don’t think it exists in “Organizations REST API”.
However, “Get users from group” exists in “Jira Cloud platform REST API”.

I known this end point in the “Jira Cloud platform REST API”:

  • it is working fine
    The drawbacks are:
  • playing with two distinct APIs (and auth method)
  • emails are missing for “non-managed” users
    ** this is a “normal” behavior for the JIRA REST API due to security reason (access to personal info)
    ** for a site/org admin, it should exist in the Org REST API to properly manage groups mixing managed and non-managed users

That’s right.
I asked this question because the same functionality was provided on different endpoints.