What is the future of deprecated methods of PageManager, SpaceManager etc.?

While working on Confluence 9 compatibility, we noticed (again) that many methods like PageManager.getPage(long contentId) or SpaceManager.getSpace(String spaceKey) are deprecated (and have been for quite some time).

In many of our apps, we rely quite heavily on those methods (also from other, comparable Managers). The methods from services like ContentService.find are no real alternative for us, because, first, as far as we know, they take the permissions of the current user into account, and second, they return objects from the package com.atlassian.confluence.api.model that lack functionality.

We did not see any mention of this part of the API in any Confluence 10 announcement.
Can any official from Atlassian tell us if it safe to keep using those managers in the foreseeable future?


Any reply from Atlassian on this?

Do you have some information, @kmacleod?

Or maybe @Kusal?

We’re also curious if anyone at Atlassian has any updates on whether it’s safe to keep using these methods moving forward. We’re also looking for guidance on how to handle the shortcomings of ContentService and recommendations to replace the deprecated services.
@kmacleod @Kusal @VasylynaBurger

There are currently no plans to delete PageManager#getPage or SpaceManager#getSpace.