What type of exception does the Confluence REST API throw when one tries to set content properties over the limit of 32KB?

Atlassian provides https://developer.atlassian.com/server/confluence/content-properties-in-the-rest-api/ with documentation on how to use the content properties REST API. Yet, no documentation is provided for the exception the endpoints can throw. For example, What type of exception does the Confluence REST API throw when one tries to set content properties over the limit of 32KB?


You posted in the Confluence Cloud channel but posted a link to Confluence Server docs. Assuming you still meant Confluence Cloud, it would help to have context about your app. Is it Connect or Forge? I ask because Connect’s limits seem to be much smaller than 32KB so I’m not sure that limit applies.

In any case, Confluence Cloud REST API docs for content properties indicate the standard HTTP status codes, which would mean your client should expect 400 Bad Request if the property is wrong (too big, wrong format, etc).

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Thank you @ibuchanan, you solved my problem!

I was looking for Connect, so the link you provided answers my question.

Disappointing to see that, while in version 1 I’d get a 413 Request Entity Too Large as the thrown exception, in version 2 of the API I get a generic 400 as you indicate.

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