Where is the load balancer being run on the Bitbucket Data Center Server?

Where is the load balancer being run on the Bitbucket Data Center Server?

Is this like ‘Where’s Wally?’ If so, I found it…


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LB - Load Balancer
CN1 - Cluster Node #1
CN2 - Cluster Node #2

What types of network protocol layers work for the main functionality of LB, CN1, and CN2 to distribute the data load?

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @brianpangcommscopeco,

I think the answers to your questions are already in our documentation:

If not, I’m not sure this community will have better answers. This community typically discusses how to build on top of our products, rather than the infrastructure that supports them. While we don’t mind if you ask here, you might get better answers faster in the Atlassian user community. For example, there’s already a tag for load-balancer which might provide you even more answers than our docs.