Why are the file attachment events delayed (when fetching through CQL lastModified keyword) in confluence

Hi All,

I am trying to get the list of modified objects in the last few minutes for confluence using the REST API that takes the CQL query. The query I am trying to use is cql=lastModified > now("-1m").

However, I am not getting the file attached in the response even after 5 minutes (just hitting the REST API repeated times in an interval of 1 minute).

But, if I am using cql=lastModified > startOfDay(), the attachment seem to be appearing in the result after 10 minutes approximately (which basically means that the event is being delayed to appear in the lastModified group/batch).

Important update: This is specifically observed with the files attached in the comments section and the files attached to the space with drag and drop option.

Is there a way not to miss the file attachment event with the timely polling?


Any pointers on this please? It’s been a while since the question was posted. Please let me know if you are looking for any additional details from me.
