Why can't the web page be displayed in Connect APP


Sorry to disturb you, I need your help very badly:face_with_spiral_eyes:. I found that I could not view the web pages that had been posted on the Connect app, as shown in the screenshot below.

There are a few things I can guarantee:

  1. If the url is copied to the browser, it will work, but it will not display correctly on the jira.
  2. The all.js header was added successfully, as shown below,
  3. Redirects carry the request parameters

I don’t know what happened, Is it possible that this problem occurs because of domain name inconsistency? Our request domain has changed from /d545-103-126-92-94.jp.ngrok.io/ to /7111-103-126-92-94.jp.ngrok.io/.

If we returned a static page, it would display as expected, but not in this case. If we change the height data of the front end, it will work normally, as shown in the figure below.

We assume that it may be the security policy of Jira that caused the high data mistake( make it 0 ). How do I need to solve this problem? Many thanks.

hello @yuyangxin147 ,

  • If you’re domain name has changed and you updated it accordingly from your front end and your back end then you won’t get a policy error but make sure you’re using the https (secure domain) not the http.

  • Is your console showing any error?

  • Make sure you included in your atlassian connect the right properties like weight see below
    “jiraProjectAdminTabPanels”: [
    “location”: “projectgroup4”,
    “key”: “YOUR_KEY”,
    “url”: YOUR_ENDPOINT,
    “weight”: 100,
    “name”: {
    “value”: “YOUR_DISPLAY_NAME”
    Hope that helps!

Hey @yuyangxin147. A few things may cause this and I suggest that you test them.

  • If the ngrok url has changed, you have reinstall the app. Every time I stop my local development, I reinstall my app. I made it easy for myself, so it’s just two extra clicks.
  • Check if there are errors in the Console. It doesn’t seem like you’re having CORS error.
  • Also, are you using data-options to resize? or are you resizing manually?

I hope this helps. Imo, re-install would solve the problem. It’s part of the day to day with free ngrok :slight_smile:

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