With 2 Outgoing Mail Servers, how can a plugin pick one over the other to send email


I am writing a plugin that requires emails to be sent to a list of external emails (like a mail-out service). These external emails do not belong to users of Confluence.

The requirement is to make the emails sent to these external email addresses look like they come from a support account, not from the default confluence account that our confluence users currently see.

For this, I have set up a second outgoing Mail Server with a new and different FROM email.

My problem is, that I have no way of picking this Mail Server from the list of mail servers when adding mail to the mail TaskManager. Using the prescribe method: Preparing for Confluence 7.0 | Confluence Data Center and Server 8.4 | Atlassian Documentation

I’m sure this must be possible, using the test email feature of the Mail Server configuration allows this, by specifying the mail server id…

So, why isn’t there a Java API available for this?

Do we specify a queue other than “mail” or somehow selecting which MailServer to send the email with. This seems like such a simple option, however I can’t find anything on how this might be done.

Does anyone know how this can be done?

Did you ever figure this out?
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