Workaround for SUM, MAX, COUNT and for querying a subset of table columns with Active Objects (a.k.a AO)


While working on the cross-product Advanced Auditing feature, I found myself needing to get the most recent row.

I really would recommend using QueryDSL pocketknife instead if you don’t need to support Bitbucket/Stash, it gives you far more control and fewer headaches. I had to mis-use Active Objects in this way because BB only supports AO (if you try to get the data source BB will throw an exception instead of fulfilling the API).

I make NO guarantees this will continue to work. This also comes with the risk of data destruction (as DB work generally does).

Step 0: Example of existing table
Our existing audit event table looked something like this:

        @Index(name = "timestampAndId", methodNames = {"getTimestamp", "getId"}),
        @Index(name = "action", methodNames = {"getAction"}),
public interface AoAuditEntity extends RawEntity<Integer> {

    String LEVEL_COLUMN = "LEVEL";
    String AREA_COLUMN = "AREA";
    String ID_COLUMN = "ID";
   // ... etc.

    Long getId();

    String getAction();

    String getActionI18nKey();

    String getLevel();

    String getArea();

    // ........ etc.

This would typically get used with some code like:


By default, this would preload everything and thus regardless of what we write in the select query, Active Objects would add in every column so it can be loaded.

Step 1: Loading fewer columns

By creating another entity with less columns being preloaded, we can query against a subset of columns.

Note; if we don’t want to be forced to load the primary key, we can set a different column to be it.

public interface AoAuditEntityAction extends RawEntity<String> {
    String ID_COLUMN = AoAuditEntity.ID_COLUMN;

    Long getId();

    String getAction();

    String getActionI18nKey();

We would be able to query just the ACTION column by doing:

// or

Note; this only works if the entities are declared in the same ao module description, or the descriptions they belong to have the same namespace, or if no namespace then the plugin key is the same as the namespace.

An example of being in the same description would be:

    <ao key="atlassian-audit-ao" name="Active Objects Module" namespace="com.example.namespace" i18n-name-key="example.i18n.key">

Step 2: Using the max function

By renaming the column after using the function to something that AO expects, it doesn’t throw an exception because it can find the “field” (read: column) information.

An example query that would use and then rename the result of the MAX function.

                select(format("%s, %s, max(%s) as %s",
                        .group(format("%s, %s",

If you’d love to see QueryDSL be usable with Bitbucket, or if you’d like to see further development with AO, or any other way to use the DB, we’d love to hear your feedback!

If you have any other frustrations with AO or other ideas, we’d love to hear that too!

If you’re new to AO, or would just like to poke around some documentation to brush up, give these a try:

Hope that helps!

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Hello @mkemp,

I’d like to know how we can retrieve the MAX value, I’ve followed your idea but it does not work for us, it is skipping the max function and it is returning the records that match the filters but without applying the max function.




Hey, which product and version are you testing with? Would you be able to isolate the code and put it on GitHub or Bitbucket? Oh, and which DB and version?

PostgreSQL 9.6.24 with Confluence 8.4.1 datacenter.

Active objects the one provided by confluence (activeobjects-plugin dependency)

The query is the following :"%s, %s, %s, %s, max(%s) as %s",
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_ID,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_TYPE,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_KEY,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_ID_ACTIVITY,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_VALUE,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_VALUE))

                .alias(ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.class, ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS)
                .where(ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_TYPE + "= 'stateTimeLapsed'")

                .group(format("%s, %s, %s, %s",
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_ID,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_TYPE,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_KEY,
                        ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.ALIAS + "." + ACTIVITY_DETAIL_ID_ACTIVITY));

ao.find(ActivityDetailsRecordEntity.class, query)

Another problem we have is that we have to cast first to number as it is a string value.

Yeah, that looks right to me (maybe I missed something). Have you tried simplifying the query by removing the group and alias? Without taking a look inside the internals of AO I’m not sure if it’s trying to transform the query into something else.

If all the values are numbers you could migrate the column, admittedly that’s a little bit of a pain.

Of course I’m not privy to the business logic, but maybe using the stream method provided by AO could solve both the max and casting problem for now?

If you go in to the Confluence “Logging and Profiling” page, there should be a section called something like ‘enable SQL logging’. If you enable that there’ll be an SQL log in the local home directory and it can help figure out exactly how AO has decided to build the query.

I already checked the SQL query translated and it’s skipping the max clause. We can’t change the column type as it includes other values different from numbers. And I tried simplifying the query as well but with no luck.
I think that I will retrieve the records that match the filters and then calculate the max in the backend. I think that there is no any other option with AO.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the help.


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