You can now filter Forge app metrics by site/installation in the developer console

Hi everyone,

From today you can filter your app metrics by the sites that your Forge app is installed onto. This will help you understand which sites are driving your app invocation success rate down.

For more information, see Monitor your apps.

We understand that those of you who have high number of installations may find it cumbersome to check site by site so with the next release you will be able to identify the sites with the lowest invocation success rate and highest number of errors.

We want your feedback!

As always, we are interested in any feedback you have. Please feel free to comment your thoughts below or DM me.

Kind regards,

Angelina Ignatova


Hey @AngelinaIgnatova, would like to pick up your request for feedback.

I have been using the log console for a bit and I found it really difficult to work with. Here are my main pain points right now:

  • There is no button to re-fetch logs for the selected filter. Imagine I am testing something in my app that produces a log. Every time I rerun my test and come back to the log console I have to refresh the whole page or change some filter parameter to trigger a reload.
  • In the collapsed view log messages are truncated (that’s fine), however, when I expand a message, it restricts the message to one line only and gets truncated even more. I do not understand what’s the idea of this design. There is no way I can see a log message in its entirety without copy-pasting it into a separate text editor that I am running on the side.

I really hope this can be fixed.


Hi @tbinna, thanks heaps for the feedback!

Both are valid concerns and we will most certainly improve this experience. Note that the expanded log message can be scrolled horizontally, however the scroll is not visible unless you start scrolling. I acknowledge that this is still not that helpful if you are going through a large number of messages. Will follow up once we push a fix, keep the feedback flowing.

Once again, thank you!



Just one more thing that I forgot to mention: There seems to be no way to configure the timezone. All log timestamps are shown in UTC which is not very convenient. It would be nice if the console picks up the browser timezone or the configured user time zone to render log timestamps.


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