Announcing AMPS 8.3.1

Hello everyone,

AMPS 8.3.1 is now available.
Release Date: October 5th, 2021.

This release has followed AMPS 8.3.0 release, adding a couple of small Quality of Life improvements:

The AMPS 8.3.0 release (September 30th, 2021) has delivered a larger set of enhancements:

Both AMPS 8.3.0 and AMPS 8.3.1 full details can be found in the release notes


AMPS 8.3.x requires Maven 3.6.3 or later.
AMPS 8.3.0 is not compatible with the Atlassian Plugin SDK version 6.x and earlier. To use AMPS 8.3.x with the Atlassian Plugin SDK, as per the above, please ensure you’re using a newer version of Maven. This can be achieved by setting the ATLAS_MVN environment variable.
To use this version of AMPS with your existing Atlassian plugin SDK, you can add the option -u 8.3.0 to the SDK command.
For further information about Clustering in AMPS

If you have any questions or comments, add them to this thread :slight_smile:

Kind regards,
Data Center Platform team


It is probably just me and I feel a little embarrassed, but I it is quite hard for me to find version 8.3.1.

I tried the following to get the latest version:

All I get is version 8.2.7.

Maybe the Atlassian Marketplace is no longer the place to look? Or is AMPS 8.3.1 not yet available for all?

This is a new release of AMPS, not the SDK. AMPS and the SDK are different things, released at different times, with different version numbers. The SDK uses AMPS, but you can also use AMPS without the SDK; indeed that’s how I usually use it.

I hope that clears this up.


I just followed the instructions and most of it seems to work, but I’m having issues with the commands atlas-debug and atlas-package. On these 2 commands I get the following error:

Unresolveable build extension: Plugin com.atlassian.maven.plugins:jira-maven-plugin:8.1.1 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: com.atlassian.maven.plugins:jira-maven-plugin:jar:8.3.0 was not found in

atlas-mvn package on the other hand seems to work
It seems to be related to the ATLAS_MVN Environment variable, but as I’m not working with mvn often I may have missed something

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Thank you for your clarification! You answer helped a lot.

Has AMPS its own homepage? Or is AMPS supposed to be downloaded via the Maven Repo only?

Whenever I search for AMPS on I get a link to the AMPS SDK or atlassian-sdk.

The closest thing would be this page. But it doesn’t contain any download links, see my next answer for the reason.

Yes, because it’s a set of Maven plugins, Maven will automatically download them as necessary from Atlassian’s public Maven repository (

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@aswan Thank you very much for this additional information!

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