I am following the documentation on building a jira app using the Atlassian Connect Express framework here: Build a Jira app using a framework
After running the npm start command, I found that no app is installed on my jira instance.
When I try to install the app on Jira manually, I get an error complaining:
Installation failed. The app requested authentication but did not specify a secure base URL (beginning with https://) in its descriptor.
If I look at my atlassian-connect.json file on localhost, I see that the base URL in the atlassian-connect.json has a value of "baseUrl":"http://mymachinehostname:3000"
Is there a way to update the baseUrl to an https url by default?
Thanks for the suggestion. I do have ngrok set up, and it appears to be working properly, as I can view the atlassian-connect.json file and my html files being served off of my ngrok url, but the app still doesn’t seem to install automatically to my instance.
To clarify, the 'getting-started’ tutorial you linked does work properly for me, but I think my issue is specifically with the `atlassian connect express’ framework tutorial which does not appear to allow me to install successfully
In Atlassian Connect Express in atlassian-connect.json you should have "baseUrl": "{{localBaseUrl}}" as this is configured at run time.
It will be replaced by the URL that ngrok uses, so in my case it is “baseUrl”: “https://ec4c-000-000-000-00.ngrok.io/” (with 000) replaced by the my address.
Please make sure ngrok is set up and you have a token configured in credentials.json.
Hello, i have followed all the instructions everything is ok, but when i test my app it shows me this error :
and when i test my “ngrok” generated url it throws ERR_NGROK_6022
any help pls ?