Atlassian Spring Boot Connect with AWS lambda

Hello! Does someone have experience with it? Is it possible? What infrastructure do you use?
Will grateful for any helpful links :pray:


Hi @vsapaev, have a look at the previous thread Hosting a spring boot+React Plugin on aws and the AWS sample aws-code-suite-for-atlassian-connect.

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Thank you for the links! @epehrson

Will this instruction helps me to create a Serverless add-on? or this instruction for AWS EC2 hosting?

That sample was created by Amazon. Iā€™m not too familiar with it, I just knew of it.

It does not seem to use EC2 but AWS Fargate, which is described as a serverless compute engine for containers.

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Maybe someone has a solution for AWS lambda instead of Fargate? :pray:

I found some with NodeJS