Bitbucket Server 6 EAP?


is there any estimation on Bitbucket Server 6 EAP build availability? Or do I miss something and it is already available? Thanks!

With best regards,
Alexander Kitaev.

Hello Alexander,

please refer to this blogpost:

We also plan to release an Early Access Program (EAP) Bitbucket Server 6.0 release, including all breaking changes, in the first week or so of 2019.


Hello Daniel,

there is so far no EAP at Bitbucket Server EAP download page ( Do I miss something or is there new expected release date? Thanks!

In the December update, the Bitbucket Server EAP looks to have been pushed back to end of January.

See blog post

Hi Alexander,

The Bitbucket Server 6.0 EAP is now available: Announcement: Bitbucket Server 6.0 Early Access Program (EAP) release

Best Regards,