Bulk fetch changelogs experimental API

Hey I’m happy to see there is a Bulk fetch changelogs endpoint that has been added here https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/api-group-issues/#api-rest-api-3-changelog-bulkfetch-post

I was wondering if there is some indication of when this endpoint would be out of the experimental phase? We try to avoid using experimental endpoints but would really like to use this endpoint in particular.

Props to Atlassian for adding more bulk endpoints, they’re really valuable to us.

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Hi David,
I tried using this API, but I encountered some issues. Were you able to successfully use it?

  • When I tested it on Postman and our forge app, I got a 404 (Not Found) error.

Have you faced similar problems, or were you able to get it working?

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Hi @DavidGoldfinch,

We are facing the same issue. We tried to send rest request from Postman, and from our Java API, I got 404 error for both. For Java API it also throws JiraCloudCommunicationException.

Hey @emrekaraduman + @AliUstun , yes I am able to hit this endpoint successfully and see changelogs returned. Here’s what I tried,:

POST https://api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/${jira_cloud_id}/rest/api/3/changelog/bulkfetch
Authorization: Bearer ${jwt_token}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

  "issueIdsOrKeys": [
  "maxResults": 10

Make sure you have the required read:jira-work scope applied to your token.

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I just tried the new Bulk fetch changelogs endpoint, and got a 404 error too. Tried both Basic auth and OAuth versions of the request path and got the same error.

Maybe it’s not deployed in all regions yet?

hey @AliUstun and @sunnyape I just tried again, and it’s working now

Thank you, @DavidGoldfinch. I’m already using the read:jira-work scope. I tried again, and it works now. I didn’t change anything.

Hi @emrekaraduman @DavidGoldfinch,

I have just returned to this topic, but unlike you, I still got the 404 error. My token already has read:jira-work scope. The sample request is below:

curl --location 'https://${jira_url}/rest/api/3/changelog/bulkfetch' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ${api_token}' \
--data '{
  "issueIdsOrKeys" : [ "TP-10" ],
  "maxResults": 10

A similar request structure works for the new jql search API and gets 200, for example.

curl --location 'https://${jira_url}/rest/api/3/search/jql' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ${api_token}' \
--data '{
   "expand" : "changelog",
   "jql" : "project = '\''Temp Test Project'\'' and id = '\''TTP-29241'\''",
   "maxResults" : 100

@glewandowski, I am referring to you because this topic is indirectly related to the new search API changes mentioned in RFC-61. As you know, changelog limitations exist in the new jql search APIs mentioned in the document below.

We need to bulk fetch changelogs, instead of calling GET changelog API per issue one by one. I am not sure that the POST /rest/api/3/changelog/bulkfetch endpoint is supported in our Atlassian instance. Since the API is still experimental maybe not all Atlassian instances or regions support this endpoint. If my assumption is correct, how can we reach this API for our instances?

Hey @AliUstun,

Yes, this endpoint is a direct action in response to the feedback we received regarding RFC-61. We’re still testing the /rest/api/3/changelog/bulkfetch, which is why it’s marked as Experimental. I believe it should be available on all instances. I’ll reach out to the appropriate team to investigate why it’s not.

The end point is not working for me. it is returning 404.

Thank you @glewandowski,

We are refactoring our search API now, and it would be beneficial to trace its current status. We would appreciate it if you could share the Jira issue of this API’s problem if the Jira issue exists related to this.

There was a configuration error on our side. The bulk changelog endpoint should be available on all instances now. Apologies for the confusion. We won’t be raising public Jira issues at this point anymore.

We can confirm that the API is now reachable from our instances. Thanks for your support.

It’s also now working for all the Jira instances in the AU region that I interact with.