CDAC & Community Improvements

:wave: I’m Bentley and joined the Atlassian Developer Expience team a week ago to focus on community.

Why are you reintroducing yourself? Yes, I introduced myself last week and yes, I forgot to call attention to my public Trello board dedicated to the greatest of haircuts. Bad jokes aside, I wanted to make sure I took a minute and let you know a little bit about what we’re working on related to the community, why we’re working on it, and who you can yell at when you don’t like something (me).

What can we expect you to do? (CDAC) is continuing to grow (318 new folks joined in January! :rocket: ). We want to make sure our care for and investment in CDAC scales too. A few ideas that are underway:

Improved Guidelines and Resources: Do you know when you should raise a DEVHELP ticket vs ask a question on CDAC? Do you know what DEVHELP is? Have a question but have no idea which category to ask? These are all real problems and we want to make sure it is as easy as possible for folks to get what they need, help others with similar questions, and be a part of a community of folks building on Atlassian’s platform.

Refreshed Designs: We want to put in the work to make sure that CDAC is a welcoming place for all developers, new and old, of all skill levels. Whether you’ve just found CDAC or have been here for years, it should be easy to find what you’re looking for and join the conversation. In doing so, we also want to bring the delight of the Atlassian brand to the game.

More Engagement: We want to make sure folks who ask questions get their questions answered and those who take the time to answer questions also get some love. Expect us to do some work to make sure we’re getting good questions answered and great answers acknowledged, marked as solutions, and referenced elsewhere. We also want to start taking the time to celebrate great conversations and community contributors.

Badges: Did you know that there are two users who have visited CDAC every single day for 365 consecutive days?! Don’t take my word for it. We will be introducing some new badges, calling out those folks earning badges, and refreshing on some of those old ones… I’m looking at you Stride Expert - Level 5.

But CDAC isn’t the only place community happens. You’re right! A big part of the reason most folks are a part of the DX team at Atlassian is because we love hanging out and meeting people! We want to make sure we’re creating more ways to connect with you. As a start, expect more opportunities to hang out, livestreams, and video content to bring you more of what you want.

What if I don’t like something or think it is a bad idea? I’m all ears :ear:. We’re going to try some things out and see how they land. If you don’t love something, let me know. You can shoot me a DM on here, or email me (, or start a new topic in Everything Else about the thing you don’t like. I’m not going to promise we get it right every time.

What have you already done? You can now use 3 emojis in topic titles. Why? More like, Why not?


Very happy to hear this renewed focus on CDAC, thank you @bentley!

Nick Muldoon, Easy Agile

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Welcome to CDAC team :partying_face:!

Look forward to seeing the improvements you’re working towards and how you bring your experience to Jira and Confluence development from working on the Trello team :dark_sunglasses:!

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