Changing the height attribute of CustomUI IssueActivity or IssuePanel div?


Is it possible to change the size of the IssuePanel or IssueActivity when using CustomUI rendering?

It seems to be hard-coded to 262px in a div containing the CustomUI iframe and an ugly scroll bar appears for anything larger than that.


Hi there!

Currently we support sizing in fixed increments for these Custom UI modules, see viewportSize:


Perfect, thanks a ton!

This seems to be no longer working, the setting in the manifest.yml is ignored and the panel is always rendered at 262px height. Can you please confirm if it’s possible to get a bigger panel than this size.

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I am also having the same issue. Share the solution if you find any.

Same issue, Our app is stuck with hardcoded limit set at div before iframe is even rendered.

Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @PrakashNatarajan,

Similar to the other thread about jiraServiceManagement:portalSubheader, I recommend opening a ticket with developer support so we can get a proper bug filed. Would one of you be so kind as to report back here when you have the resulting issue key so future developers can watch, vote, and comment on it?


this issue is resolved once i deploy it to PROD.

this hardcode limit only applies to DEV and STAGING regions in forge.

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