Confluence 9.0 beta release is available now

This week we released the first beta for Confluence. There are changes in this release that may directly affect third-party apps.

New in 9.0

To find out what’s in this release, check out the Confluence 9.0 beta release notes.

Get started

Download the beta from our site to start testing your app for compatibility with the changes. Be sure to take a look at our Preparing for Confluence 9.0 guide to find out what you need to do to make your app compatible. We’ll update that page regularly, so keep an eye on it to see any changes.

Reminder: for future release updates, make sure you visit the Atlassian changelog, and consider subscribing to the RSS feed.

The Atlassian Confluence team


Great :rocket:
But can someone from Atlassian please answer the open questions in the eap thread thanks.

Including my own post:


Just a quick FYI that we’ve just released the first Release Candidate (RC) for Confluence 9.0. You can download the RC from our site to test your app for compatibility.

For more detailed information, check out our Beta release notes and Preparing for Confluence 9.0 documentation.

This update was also released on the Confluence DC changelog , if not already, please consider subscribing to the RSS feed for the most timely updates on product changes.


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