Tracking Platform 7 releases


For those who are working on multiple Platform 7 upgrades, here is an overview of all the information for each of the different host products.

Confluence 9 (BETA)

Initial announcement

Planned release date


Additional documentation

Preparing for Confluence 9.0 | Confluence Data Center 8.9 | Atlassian Documentation
Confluence 9.0 beta release notes | Confluence Data Center 8.9 | Atlassian Documentation

Latest update


Jira 10

Initial announcement

Planned release date

End of July 2024

Additional documentation

Preparing for Jira 10 / JSM 6
EAP overview

Latest update


Bitbucket 9

Initial announcement

Planned release date

23 July

Additional documentation


Latest update



Bamboo 10

Initial announcement

Planned release date


Additional documentation


Latest update


Platform 7 resources

In addition, there are some generic platform 7 resources that might be useful:

Docker images
For those who are using docker, you can use the official docker images from Docker hub.

In order to use the EAP releases, search the tag list for the version of the latest EAP release. For instance, for Confluence this would be: atlassian/confluence:9.0.0-{milestone}-ubuntu-jdk17

Contributions welcome!

Please let me know if any of the above needs an update by commenting on this topic!


Thank you for making this overview @remie!
I suggest also adding links for finding and tracking docker images / release artifacts.
Maybe adding something like this?

Confluence 9


Install early access releases


Docker images

EAP artifacts and images are frequently released, incrementing milestones in 9.0.0-m-x.
Confluence docker images:
Pull artifact example: docker pull atlassian/confluence:9.0.0-m97-ubuntu-jdk17

It’s also relevant to link to the developer changelog under Platform 7 resources, since it is likely to contain Platform 7 information and updates: Atlassian developer changelog

Bitbucket update @remie: Bitbucket Data Center 9.0 Early Access Program release - #20 by bplump.

We commit to releasing Bitbucket 9.0 no earlier than 23 July - 8 weeks after the release of this first EAP.

Bamboo update: estimated EAP release end of june, estimated GA release mid-august

Jira update:

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I’ve added the EAP links to each of the products, but I’m hesitant to add the docker images as this can become outdated pretty quickly

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Updated the post to reflect that Confluence 9 has now reached BETA status

Bamboo update here: Bamboo Data Center 10.0 Early Access Program release

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