Context features, Jira full page module display conditions and more

:tada: ADDED New context features

Custom UI now supports context on the frontend through the new getContext function that’s present on the existing view object. See the view documentation for more details.

Additionally, both custom UI and the UI kit are now able to access the current module’s key, as defined in the manifest.yml file through the moduleKey property.

:tada: ADDED New Jira custom field type module

Jira Cloud now supports the Custom field type (beta) module. The jira:customFieldType module you create a new custom field type in Jira, which lets Jira administrators create new custom fields based on that type.

This module can be used in Jira Core, Jira Software, and Jira Service Management.

:tada: ADDED Display conditions for Jira admin page and project page modules

Display conditions are now available for both Jira admin page and Jira project page modules. Using display conditions, you can control the visibility of your app modules in the UI. See the display conditions reference documentation for more details.

Run npm install -g @forge/cli@latest on the command line to install the latest CLI version with linting for display conditions.

:sparkles: UPDATED More validation of the manifest

We’ve added more validation of the manifest.yml file in the Forge CLI:

:sparkles: UPDATED Custom UI sandboxing restrictions

The allow-downloads and allow-modals restrictions have been lifted in the custom UI app sandbox.

:sparkles: UPDATED Content security and egress controls

Content security and egress controls in Forge now support:

  • Modifying style-src via styles
  • Specifying egress permissions that utilize the wss protocol

Thanks Sam for the Announcement! :partying_face:

I have some questions about the changes :slight_smile:

Custom UI now supports context on the frontend through the new getContext function that’s present on the existing view object

In the documentation, this code snippet is shown:

import { view } from '@forge/bridge';

const context = await view.getContext();

Does this method use a resolver/uses a resolver call? Or is it resolved in the frontend only?

Cheers, Fabian

Hey @FabianSiegel,

view.getContext doesn’t make a call to a resolver, it is natively implemented on the frontend.

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Hey @SamSmyth ,

thanks for letting me know - this is great! :slight_smile:

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