Error ERR_NGROK_120 (ngrok version not supported) when attempting to run tunnel

I’m running Forge CLI 6.10.0 on Windows 10 Pro. Starting within the past hour, when I attempt to run forge tunnel --verbose, I see the following output. Is anyone else getting this?

Tunnel redirects requests you make to your local machine. This occurs for any Atlassian site where your app is installed in the specific development environment. You will not see requests from other users.
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

Checking Docker image... 100%
Your Docker image is up to date.
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=info msg="open config file" path=/tunnel/node_modules/@forge/tunnel/config/ngrok.yml err=nil
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="ignoring manifest file with unhandled mimetype" name=vendor.svg ext=.svg
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="ignoring manifest file with unhandled mimetype" name=glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg ext=.svg
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="starting component" obj=app name="signal handler"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="starting component" obj=app name=web
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=info msg="starting web service" obj=web addr=
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="starting component" obj=app name=updater
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="checking for updates periodically" obj=updater interval=6h0m0s
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="check for update" obj=updater
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="starting component" obj=app name="Tunnel session"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=info msg=start pg=/api/tunnels id=bbe28931fed9a297
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="start tunnel listen" obj=tunnels.session name=d2d3d67a-005e-4387-8690-cfe7ec494625 proto=https opts="&{Hostname: Auth: Subdomain: HostHeaderRewrite:false LocalURLScheme:http}" err="an ngrok tunnel session has not yet been established"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=warn msg="ngrok is not yet ready to start tunnels" pg=/api/tunnels id=bbe28931fed9a297 err="a successful ngrok tunnel session has not yet been established"        
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=info msg=end pg=/api/tunnels id=bbe28931fed9a297 status=503 dur=466.2µs
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="open stream" obj=csess id=18ffa7f7f0bf reqtype=0 err=nil
t=2023-05-17T19:59:39+0000 lvl=dbug msg="encode request" obj=csess id=18ffa7f7f0bf sid=3 req="&{Version:[2] ClientID: Extra:{OS:linux Arch:amd64 Authtoken: Version:2.3.41 UserAgent:ngrok/2 Metadata: Cookie: HeartbeatInterval:10000000000 HeartbeatTolerance:15000000000 Fingerprint:0xc00027e150 UpdateUnsupportedError:0xc00007e1d0 StopUnsupportedError:0xc00007e1c0 RestartUnsupportedError:0xc00007e1b0}}" err=nil
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="decoded response" obj=csess id=18ffa7f7f0bf sid=3 resp="&{Version: ClientID: Error:Your ngrok agent version \"2\" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account.\nUpdate to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from\nSign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_120\r\n Extra:{Version: Cookie: AccountName: SessionDuration:0 PlanName:}}" err=nil
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=eror msg="failed to auth" obj=tunnels.session err="Your ngrok agent version \"2\" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account.\nUpdate to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from\nSign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_120\r\n"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=eror msg="failed to reconnect session" obj=csess id=5a4f227bf11c err="Your ngrok agent version \"2\" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account.\nUpdate to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from\nSign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_120\r\n"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="sleep before reconnect" obj=csess id=5a4f227bf11c secs=0
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=eror msg="session closing" obj=tunnels.session err="Your ngrok agent version \"2\" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account.\nUpdate to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from\nSign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_120\r\n"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="component stopped" obj=app name="Tunnel session" err="Your ngrok agent version \"2\" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account.\nUpdate to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from\nSign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_120\r\n"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=info msg="received stop request" obj=app stopReq="{err:0xc0002d8350 restart:false}"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=eror msg="terminating with error" obj=app err="Your ngrok agent version \"2\" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported 
without an account.\nUpdate to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from\nSign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_120\r\n"
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="waiting for all components to stop" obj=app
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="waiting for components to stop" obj=app remaining=3
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="waiting for components to stop" obj=app remaining=2
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="waiting for components to stop" obj=app remaining=1
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=dbug msg="all components stopped" obj=app
t=2023-05-17T19:59:40+0000 lvl=crit msg="command failed" err="Your ngrok agent version \"2\" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account.\nUpdate to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from\nSign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_120\r\n"
Your ngrok agent version "2" is no longer supported. Only the most recent version of the ngrok agent is supported without an account.
Update to a newer version with `ngrok update` or by downloading from
Sign up for an account to avoid forced version upgrades:

▶️  GraphQL
      mutation forge_cli_deleteApplicationTunnels($input: DeleteAppTunnelInput!) {
        deleteAppTunnels(input: $input) {
          errors {
            extensions {

Variables: {
  "input": {
    "appId": "ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/4c25551f-6232-4573-840e-09cebbffea17",
    "environmentKey": "default"
◀️  GraphQL
Request ID: bf2e6e2a787c28fb
Result: {
  "deleteAppTunnels": {
    "success": true,
    "errors": null

Error: Failed to start tunnel, could not establish a connection.

Error: Failed to start tunnel, could not establish a connection.
    at NgrokCreateTunnelService.establishTunnel (/tunnel/node_modules/@forge/tunnel/out/services/create-tunnel-service.js:36:19)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
    at async StartTunnelCommand.startFaaSTunnelServer (/tunnel/node_modules/@forge/tunnel/out/command/start-tunnel-command.js:36:35)
    at async StartTunnelCommand.execute (/tunnel/node_modules/@forge/tunnel/out/command/start-tunnel-command.js:63:38)
    at async runTunnel (/tunnel/node_modules/@forge/sandbox-tunnel/out/index.js:36:24)

Probably @Atlassian-Staff having some problems on his server. I have an identical situation :slight_smile:


same happens to me

I’m seeing the same thing

I can’t say definitively but based on the info provided this seems to be an issue with the docker container that will impact all users attempting to use the tunnel. It would be great if we could get an ETA on a resolution here.

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I guess the line ’ Your v2 agents will continue to work indefinitely. You do not need to upgrade to the v3 agent.’ from their v3 announcement (ngrok - Online in One Line) turned out to be untrue. My guess is that Scotty from Marketing got involved.

I’m also seeing this error

Hi everyone,

There is an ongoing incident regarding the use of Forge tunnel (please see this Statuspage for more information).

We are currently monitoring the fix.


1 Like

Closing the loop, this issue has been resolved as mentioned in Atlassian Developer Status - Forge App developers unable to use Forge tunnel.



I can confirm that “forge tunnel” now works, but workaround for bypassing docker doesn’t work. I have been using “FORGE_DEV_TUNNEL=true forge tunnel” command because using docker on Apple Slicon is too slow. Could you give an update on this too?

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@ianRagudo I have the same problem as @denizoguz. Can you please solve this too?

@denizoguz @AlejandroSurezTecnof There’s a pre-release version of @forge/sandbox-tunnel (3.0.12-next.6) that uses a newer version of the ngrok package, but I haven’t tried it yet. Alternatively, you can use the tunnel with your own ngrok account because the old ngrok version still works if you are logged in.

For me, the “bypassing docker workaround” also fixed it for the local tunnel.

Using the latest prerelease worked for me, thanks @klaussner