Failed to start tunnel, could not establish a connection (ngrok authentication failed)

I tried running forge tunnel this morning which was working fine yesterday.

I got the error: Error: Failed to start tunnel, could not establish a connection.

When I run forge tunnel --verbose I see the error:

authentication failed: Usage of ngrok requires a verified account and authtoken.\n\nSign up for an account:\nInstall your authtoken:\r\n\r\nERR_NGROK_4018\r\n

So it looks like there’s some kind of auth required for ngrok. Is this a responsibility of forge or myself? Why would this have changed?

I tried running npm install -g @forge/cli@latest but that didn’t change anything.

Hi @Johnh, I got the same issue.
This old post describes the same issue and it looks to me that this is a responsibility of forge.

@Johnh and @NiaMiteva,

Sorry for the frustration with ngrok. The short answer is the error message is correct:

Usage of ngrok requires a verified account and authtoken.

So you will need to sign-up for an ngrok account.

To reduce the confusion of many threads about the same topic, I’m asking the community to keep comments in NgrokError when using Forge Tunnel. I’m closing this thread to avoid confusion.