Failed to validate FCT: 'accountId' claim mismatch

A strange bug appeared in the Forge UIkit app today.

Failed to validate FCT: 'accountId' claim mismatch

The strange thing is that only certain users are affected. No permision changes have been made.
Any ideas?

Hi @ArasKucinskas,

Are you seeing this with a specific module or all modules? Which product is your app installed into?

This will help us get the right people involved to resolve this.


We are experiencing the same problem with Jira custom field type edit modules in our UI Kit app. It seems to happen together with probles related to NEEDS_AUTHENTICATION_ERR Spike or maybe it is also related to the active incident
here: Atlassian Developer Status - User impersonation for Connect apps is not working
Looks like I need to open another ticket here.

Hi @CPS,

Please do open another ticket if you’re still experiencing the problems.

Meanwhile, could you provide a traceId and your manifest.yml file? Please redact all of the sensitive information from your manifest.yml file, I mainly want to see:

  • the module and its properties
  • permissions of the app.

Is the Jira Custom Field Type forge app also being used in a Jira Service Management board?

Thank you,


Hey Camelia,

thank you for looking into this.

This is the stripped down manifest.yaml:

    - key: x
      name: x
      description: x
      icon: x
      type: string
      collection: list
      function: view
        function: edit
        function: configureContext
    - key: y
      function: adminPage
      title: y
      icon: y
    - key: z
      function: adminPage
      title: z
      useAsGetStarted: true
    - key: view
      handler: index.runView
    - key: edit
      handler: index.runEdit
    - key: adminPage
      handler: admin.runAdmin
    - key: configureContext
      handler: config.runContextConfig
  id: id
    enabled: true
    - read:issue-meta:jira
    - read:issue-security-level:jira
    - read:issue.changelog:jira
    - read:avatar:jira
    - read:issue:jira
    - read:status:jira
    - read:user:jira
    - read:field-configuration:jira
    - read:issue-details:jira
    - read:field.default-value:jira
    - read:field.option:jira
    - read:field:jira
    - read:group:jira
    - read:custom-field-contextual-configuration:jira
    - read:issue-link-type:jira
    - write:comment:jira
    - write:issue:jira
    - write:issue-link:jira
    - delete:issue-link:jira
    - write:custom-field-contextual-configuration:jira
    - write:field:jira
    - read:project-category:jira
    - read:project:jira

It’s a bit hard to provide a traceID since I believe the invocation does not get through to the app / I do not see errors related to that in the logs, but I can message you privately on which customer site this problem occurs.

Thanks again

Did you ever mange to figure out what the cause of this was? We are experiencing the exact same thing with a jira custom field type in our forge app. Sometimes (it might be happening after some time of inactivity with the browser open) the error occurs. We can circumvent it by doing a refresh with the field in view and then it goes back to normal.
So far we have not figured out a way to consistently reproduce it.


Same here, our apps custom field is showing the same error to some users

Even after refresh, the error persists

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Hello everyone,

We’ve noticed that some of our customers are also encountering this error, though it doesn’t affect all users. It seems like this might be related to an Atlassian bug, but we’re not entirely sure.

As this thread has been open for some time, I was wondering if there has been any resolution so far? Would it be helpful for me to create a separate ticket to address this issue?

Appreciate your thoughts on this

Kind regards

Hello @CameliaGao

This bug is still affecting us, but it only impacts newly created users; existing users are not experiencing this issue.
Is there a ticket already raised to resolve this issue? If so, could you please share it with us?

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