First returns on upgrade to @forge/react version 10


Good news, there’s a new version of @forge/react, with new components and many new and great options.

Bad news, it’s breaking change (9.3.0 to 10.0.0). Very bad news, the changes are quite big. So you have to know that it won’t take just a few hours to update your app.

In such situations, I think that Atlassian should provide a list of the breaking changes instead of just giving a link to the new documentation. The only way to find what changed is to test the whole app and guess what went wrong, because most of the time the error messages are not clear.

I will try to update this post if I find other annoying changes.

Hope it will help…


Thanks for the feedback @BertrandDrouhard1 ! Great to hear you jumping on the update so soon.
A list of breaking changes is something that we missed and will look to get one out very soon.

Our Heading and Text behaviour shouldn’t have changed and will only display inline together if used within an Inline component. Do you have a code snippet that displays this behaviour?

Hi @QuocLieu , this is what I get:

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 09.19.52

const App = () => {
  return (
  <Tabs id='default'>
      <Tab>Project Roles</Tab>
      <Heading as="h3">Heading</Heading>

@AtlassianStaff Is it really like Bertrand says? I have a Confluence App with macro-config and use textfield a.s.o => Will I have a breaking change in runtime soon?
What I mean: When I do not upgrade to forge/react:10, will my app then stop working in the future?

=> Ok it is about UI Kit 2 => So MacroConfig is fine, since it is UI Kit 1

=> But same question: When my app is running with UI KIT 2 v9.x and does NOT update to 10 => Will it break during runtime at some point?

Hi @clouless,

UI KIT 2 v9 is still supported so there won’t be any unexpected breaking changes.

When we announce the deprecation it’s likely that we’ll give 3 months notice as per our policy for preview features.


Hi @AdamMoore,
Thanks for the info. But this does not fully answer my question. If my App stays on v9 and does not redeploy for 1 year (hypothetically) => Will it then stop working when you stop supporting v9?

I just want to understand how this works in the forge world. Because in the Data Center world this is more clear by exact version-ranges an App can support and it will then always work inside these ranges.



Hi @BertrandDrouhard1 , the TabPanel component comes with styling that’s introducing that inline behaviour. We encourage the usage of a Box component to remove this styling and add your own padding size.


Hi @clouless , to answer your question, in the scenario that we do deprecate version 9, your app will need to be updated to a supported version for it to continue working.

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Hi @QuocLieu ,
I struggle a bit with the Select component.

  • In the doc, I don’t find it clear between inputValue, inputId, id, value… Would it be possible to have them used in at least 1 example?
  • I don’t understand why in the examples you use ‘inputId’ and why not ‘id’. Could you confirm that it’s not a bug?
<Label labelFor="default-appearance-example">Favourite fruit</Label>
          { label: 'Apple', value: 'a' },
          { label: 'Banana', value: 'b' },

And there’s also a bug: I have a DynamicTable below the Select, and the Select values go behind the UserGroup. Do you plan to fix it?

About Select, does it support multiple selects now? Then how to get the values?
About the width of Select, I have got another post:


Thanks Atlassian for

It could be interesting to have also in this page the difference on “onChange” behaviour, especially because there’s no consistency between elements: RadioGroup: onChange behaviour is like Textfield (passes a change event) but unlike Select (passes the new value).

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My dudes, this is way too many breaking changes. It’s at version 10 and you’re renaming/removing props. Why were those basic things not solidified many versions ago?

Most of these changes seem to be nothing more than opinionated aesthetics. disabled to isDisabled. grey-light to greyLight. ButtonSet to ButtonGroup. defaultChecked to isChecked.

TextField to Textfield…

Almost all of the changes are frivolous. It’d be funny if it didn’t waste developer time.

Reminds me of when ACE changed the ngrokToken key naming in the space of 24 hours.

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Hey Nathan!

We haven’t gone GA with UI Kit 2 yet. We are currently updating it to align with ADS (Atlassian Design System). Once we go GA, you will be protected from prop and component changes for 6 months as per our deprecation guidelines. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi @BertrandDrouhard1 ,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the new UI Kit 2 components, I see you’ve found the new guide we released last Friday - Upgrade to @forge/react major version 10 describes how components have changed between React 9 and React 10.

I’ll pass on the feedback regarding the onChange behaviour to the content team.


Some more thoughts/rant on this one: Forge UI KIT 2 GA Release Timeline


Hi @JemmaSwaak ,
Once you explain your strategy and we can understand your vision, especially the link with ADS, it’s much easier to accept the changes and their cost :wink:
But the cost was very high for me: 10 days to go from UI Kit to UI Kit 2, and 5 days from @forge/react version 9 to version 10. Much more than the time it took me to develop the initial version.
I agree @nathanwaters , sometimes it’s better to wait a bit and publish something more stable than rushing to new features that are still unstable. Or just call it beta version and we know that it’s not ready yet but that we can give it a try if we want to anticipate the future.
Anyway, thanks to the Atlassian Forge team for their work :slight_smile: , it’s still great to see a product becoming better each and every day.


And UI Kit 2 is being pushed as the default in all the developer docs. Why when it is so unstable?

Both of the hello world tutorials for Confluence and Jira instruct devs to use UI Kit 2.