The FORGE_DEV_TUNNEL environment variable is only useful for the team developing Forge here at Atlassian. It is not required for --ngrok-config to work. Can you please remove the environment variable override and try again?
Also, we’ve had a report that ngrok.yml specified as a relative path doesn’t work properly. We’re working on it and the fix should be in the next Forge CLI release, but meanwhile if you have problems please specify it using an absolute path.
thanks for answer. The point here is, that running the same command in a Node 16 environment works as expected (no Docker tunnel and no 2h ngrok time limit).
We are aware of some crashes in it (including on Node 16, maybe you were lucky there) - you can try disabling the snapshotting as a workaround, but that still comes with no warranty.
We are working on simplifying the tunnel experience (no Docker required) as part of the Native Node.js runtime which is currently in EAP - you might want to give that a try if Docker tunnel gives you problems.