Glance no longer works on Jira iOS app


is this a known issue? We’ve got complaints from our customers that our add-on stopped working on mobile app and we confirmed it ourselves - after clicking on the Glance button all we get is a message stating that “details aren’t enabled yet”.

Atlassian team, is this a regression made while working on another (“details”) feature?


@JoshCarolan is this something that you guys can look into?


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Looking into this now

We have identified and resolved the problem. For posterity, we had enabled one of the glance modules for the add-on but there were other glance modules they also wanted enabled. This will soon be a non-issue for future developers as we will be enabling a descriptor flag where you as developers can enable or disable support for each of your modules in the native apps, rather than needing us to whitelist them for you. More to come on this soon.

Thanks for raising the problem @maciek and @jack

Edit: as promised, the ‘more to come on this soon’ - App module support on Jira Cloud Android, iOS, and Mac clients now generally available
You can now self-service enabling your apps for mobile.