App module support on Jira Cloud Android, iOS, and Mac clients now generally available

Attention Jira Cloud developers: issue glance and issue right context panel module support are now generally available for all platforms: Jira Cloud iOS, Android, and Mac!

One simple step to test and/or enable for all your users: add 1 property in your module descriptors

To enable your app to be shown in all Jira Cloud instances, all you have to do is add a native client property to all the appropriate module descriptors of your Marketplace app:

  • For issue glances, set the jiraNativeAppsEnabled property to true.
  • For right context panels (location: atl.jira.view.issue.right.context), set the supportsNative property to true.

By including these properties, your Marketplace app modules will automatically display in Jira’s mobile and desktop clients – specifically Jira for iOS/Mac version 109 or later and Jira for Android version 55 or later. You can do this at any time, as you see fit.

For more details along with some mobile-responsive and desktop-responsive app design guidelines, please visit our updated documentation: “Developing for Jira Cloud mobile and desktop clients”

Join other Marketplace Partners who have enabled mobile and desktop support with minimal effort

Other Marketplace Partners have enabled their apps already with minimal effort. Check out the feedback of some of our partners who have gone live to all Jira mobile and desktop clients and now offer this new capability to their customers.

Smart Checklist for Jira required no additional steps to make the app work.

“We didn’t make any additional steps in order to enable Smart Checklist to work on mobile. We were lucky as enough as since the very first release back in 2017 – the app was designed to work on a sidebar for Server ( and Cloud/Glance view (atl.jira.view.issue.right.context).”

Issue checklist worked out of the box and made tweaks to CSS for mobile responsiveness.

“Basically almost everything worked without changes on mobile and that was a good experience from a developer perspective. The biggest effort needed was to use responsive CSS techniques to switch between one and multi-column layouts in one important screen. Other UX problems were trivial so we postponed fixing them, but Atlassian team’s suggestions were very helpful in resolving all known issues.”

AtlasCRM required no additional steps, and have some ideas for later on.

“Our experience has been quite good so far. We didn’t have to make any changes in order for this to work, but there is definitely room for improvement on our end… our components are built for a desktop experience. We should provide a different UI on mobile. Bigger buttons, larger text and no hover states.”

Enable your Marketplace app, let us know, and get promoted

We will be spreading the word about mobile, tablet, and desktop friendly Marketplace apps to Atlassian customers. We have a custom landing page, email to customers, in-product messages, blog posts, and newsletters ready to go in the month of August and beyond, all featuring Marketplace partners. Some of those promotions are starting this month.

Getting involved is easy:

  1. Once you’ve tested your app on Jira Cloud mobile and desktop, enable the experience for your users in-production by adding the additional property in your in-production module descriptor. please visit our updated documentation: “Developing for Jira Cloud mobile and desktop clients”. Make sure you update your native clients to Jira Cloud for iOS/Mac version 109 or later and Jira Cloud for Android version 55 or later.
  2. Send an email with the subject “Apps for every device campaign” along with your addon keys, module keys, and, screen recordings of your Marketplace app(s) enabled on the Jira Cloud mobile and desktop clients to
  3. We’ll review the recordings and confirm your app’s inclusion in our mobile friendly landing pages & categories. We’ll also provide you access to additional partner resources so that you can easily message this new benefit to your users.

A message for soft-launched apps

If we’ve worked with you to soft launch your Marketplace app to Jira customers, your app will still be available to all Jira Cloud customers regardless of implementing the above. We should have reached out to you over email to notify you of this change ahead of time.

For all others, please use the new module descriptor property once you’re ready to enable your mobile and desktop friendly app to all Jira customers. If you are a beta tester but your app is not generally available to all Jira Cloud mobile- and desktop-clients, then you will have to use the new module descriptor property to enable your app from this point forward.

Engage with us

If you experience any problems or questions leave a comment below or contact us at directly.


I would like to refresh some requests that could help us make the mobile experience better:

  • Glance Condition in a descriptor so Glance is displayed only in Jira mobile/OSX app- we don’t need it on desktop as our desktop users prefer the Content module which is larger. I asked for that several times, e.g. here: [ACJIRA-2223] - Ecosystem Jira
  • A way to recognize dark mode in the mobile app. Jira displays itself correctly, but apps are presented on a light background, which breaks the experience: [ACJIRA-2222] - Ecosystem Jira
  • AP.resize() doesn’t work on mobile: [ACJS-1152] - Ecosystem Jira

cc @JoshCarolan



I agree with ACJIRA-2223. We need it also.

Issues detected:

  • page refreshes after rotate screen
  • mobile does not apply Time Tracking provider setting and use own worklog dialog and shows worklog history.
  • do unexpected requests to backend:
    GET /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=…/wp-config.php 404 3.065 ms - 162
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