Did you know that this is the only Great Topic on this forum?
Did you also know that React 18 is currently in Alpha and we are still stuck with React 16 because of Styled Components 3.2.6?
Did you also know that a ticket to remedy this was created in Nov’19 and is still stuck in 0.dev backlog
Did you also know that the Atlassian Security Team actively reaches out to vendors not updating outdated 3rd party components, yet have completely and utterly failed to get the Atlassian Design Team to act on this?
Just some fun facts to celebrate the anniversary of that great topic!
After spending a year with Atlaskit, I too am weary of being stuck still with React 16, as well as the vendor lock-in caused by Jira Data Center still using REST API version 2, which the only option for parsing WIKI text is to use Atlaskit!
Atlassian: Consider OSS, it will make a better marketplace and thus better sales for you.