Integration Marketplace - Segment


I want a marketing report to understand where traffic on our marketplace page comes from.
There is an integration between Atlassian Marketplace (AM) and Segment described here:

  1. What we should use as partnerAnonymousId?
    ClientID from GA4?
    Or something else?

  2. Can we decrypt userId?
    ““userId in payload is a hashed representation of Atlassian account id for the user which will be constant. This is always present for MPAC Install event and MPAC App request event and not present in MPAC User event for events from non-logged in users””

  1. What we should use as partnerAnonymousId?
    ClientID from GA4?
    Or something else?

Hi @Viktor1. I believe you generate anonymous IDs using Segment’s Analytics.js library.

Don’t have an answer to your second question yet. I’ll see if I can find someone who can help, or perhaps someone else in the community knows the answer.

Hello @nmansilla

I can not understand how I can associate conversion into Install with traffic source (referrer URL) in Google Analytics if use an anonymous ID from Segment.

Could you please describe the whole logic around this tracking for the following user flow:

Our website (with GA & Segment) → Atlassian Marketplace → Install the app → Install event send to Segment → Event send to GA4

How should I map fields (especially annonimousID) in Segment for GA4 destination?

Thank you in advance.

Hello @nmansilla,

Don’t have an answer to your second question yet. I’ll see if I can find someone who can help, or perhaps someone else in the community knows the answer.

I still have a question about the decrypting of userId.

Also we have 0 events that share any identifier between the user_event and the install_event.
So that we can not associate events and analyze traffic sources for install events.

Can it be a bug on the Atlassian side?


Hi @nmansilla , its been a while since there is an answer to this question. We have spent countless hours trying to get this setup to work. Main goal, be able to track what Google ad generated an install. Is there anyone who can break down this setup for us?

Hello @nmansilla ,

I’m still curious to decrypt userId to be able to associate the install event with the user instance.
Is it possible to do so?

Thank you.