Introduction of new install payload fields as part of SEN replacement

What is changing?

As announced in Introducing New Cloud Identifiers, Atlassian is changing the identifiers used for purchased licenses and, in particular, replacing the Support Entitlement Number (SEN), also known as the ServiceEntitlementNumber. We will be adding the new identifiers to the Connect install payload in an update coming in the next few months. The new identifier and the existing SEN will both be present in the install payload so that app developers may correlate these values and take the necessary steps to migrate any current usage of the SEN value.

Why is it changing?

The rationale for this change is covered in Introducing New Cloud Identifiers.

What do I need to do?

You will need update any current usage of the SEN value in your systems to use the new identifier provided.

By when do I need to do it?

When we make the new identifier available in the install payload, this will start a six month deprecation period during which both the SEN and new identifiers are both sent to app in the install payload. At the completion of that period, the SEN will be removed and no longer be present in the install payloads.

A separate notice will be sent when this change is available.


So there are no surprises, can you provide an example of the new install payload?

Are you going to send a reinstall webhook at some point to update all already-registered tenants with the new identifiers?
Also, are you going to update ACE to support the new payload (and ideally expose the new identifiers to app code)?

I would expect the install payload to look something like

  "key": "installed-addon-key",
  "clientKey": "unique-client-identifier",
  "sharedSecret": "a-secret-key-not-to-be-lost",
  "serverVersion": "server-version",
  "pluginsVersion": "version-of-connect",
  "baseUrl": "",
  "productType": "jira",
  "description": "Atlassian Jira at",
  "serviceEntitlementNumber": "SEN-number",
  "entitlementId": "709a7212-3330-4ba6-9785-9804a9983373",
  "eventType": "installed"

As this is announcement is intended to give advanced notice, the precise details (e.g. field name and value type) are subject to change. The notice I foreshadowed will give the details.

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Yes, ACE and ACSB will be updated to handle and store the new field.

We will be sending install callbacks for existing installations to allow apps to refresh their stored details. I don’t have the exact timing and details of this refresh at this time. I expect it will probably come after the fields are available for new installs

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