It’s now easier to share a specific section of a page from the developer documentation

Part of my job on the Developer Experience team is to help other developers understand how to build on our platform. One of the most common tasks is sharing links to our developer documentation to help developers understand the concepts we’re discussing.

Most times though what I want to share is a very specific section of a page and not necessarily the whole page. For instance, I would have conversations with developers about creating the query string hash parameter in the JSON Web Token within Atlassian Connect. This section is buried deep in the Understanding JWT for Connect Apps page.

It was possible to share a link directly to that page but that involved right clicking and inspecting element of the header I want to share, copy the id of the header element from the developer console, and concatenate that to the URL in the proper format that links to the header. That felt like an unnecessary hurdle to easily share parts of the developer documentation with others.

To help improve that small part of the developer experience we added functionality to that mimics Confluence with the ability to share a URL to a specific header. Now when you hover over any header in our documentation a link symbol will appear on the right. Clicking this link will copy the URL that will take you directly to that section.

Now we can easily share with others the exact parts of the developer documentation with a click and [Control|Command]-V. For instance, here’s the URL to the Creating the Query String Hash section that I one-clicked to copy:

So go forth and share some Developer Documentation knowledge with your favorite developer.


Thanks. This is great!

Oh, this is very nice and convenient!

@rwhitbeck a great improvement. Thank you.

While we are already talking about documentation how would one go about reporting ambiguous examples, unclear definitions or outdated information?
During my inital task to get involved with the docs there were quite a few stepping stones and information that had to be looked up at a different place. Creating a thread in the forums does not feel like the right way to do as it might or might not be seen by anyone.

While the recent simplification of the UI makes it less obvious, on every page at the top and bottom there should be a rate this page with 5 stars.

Screen Shot 2021-03-19 at 12.05.23

Give the page a rating and you’ll be able to create a comment on what’s at issue.

This goes directly to the Content Design team who actively monitors this feedback and prioritizes their work accordingly based on your feedback.


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