Jira 8.16 RC 02 released

We’ve just released the second Release Candidate for Jira 8.16 (Data Center & Server).


This release fixes the bug that doesn’t allow you to configure custom fields that don’t support default values. The bug was introduced in previous EAPs and was a result of our changes to system fields. We’ve managed to fix it quickly, so the official release will follow soon. You can read more about the bug in this thread. Thanks again @PascalPerreault for reporting it!

Downloads & docs
For details, see Preparing for Jira 8.16. You can download the EAP from this page. If you’re using maven.atlassian.com, the version is 8.16.0-m0005.

If you have any comments, just post them below.

Happy testing,
The Jira team


cool, thanks :tada:
Could you again check, why no docker images are published, thanks?


thanks :slight_smile:

We’re also blocked from testing against this release until it’s published to Docker.
EAP01 was published, but EAP02, EAP03, RC01 and RC02 haven’t been.


@clouless @jkells Docker is fixed now.

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