Jira 9.2 changes to Agile front-end modules

:wave: Hello everyone!

As announced in Preparing for Jira 9.2, we’ve started reducing the amount of code that’s shipped to the browser on Jira Software pages, aiming to speed up page loading time.

What’s important for you to know?

As part of already implemented and planned changes, we’ve modified multiple AMD module names, which start with jira-agile/. If you’re using those in your apps, you’ll need to adjust module names to ensure that your applications work correctly. The updates mainly entail changing kebab-case to PascalCase convention. Global variables are left intact. However, as they are also non-API parts, we don’t recommend using them.

You can read more about the changes and why we decided to proceed with the current approach in Jira DC Front-end API Announcement.

We’re looking forward to your feedback!

We plan changes to Agile modules in the upcoming Jira versions connected with further performance optimizations and modernization of the Agile codebase.

Are there any important modules that you think should remain unchanged?

Let us know about your use cases where you access any AMD module (jira-agile/...) or a global variable from Agile (GH) in this ticket: [JSWSERVER-21430] Gathering feedback on modified jira-agile AMD module names - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products..

We’ll consider it while rolling-out changes, for example, by making sure that shared use cases are covered or by providing upgrade guides. It’ll also be helpful for our future efforts, such as exposing “API” modules.