JIRA Apiary WorklogPRO always returns 200 instead of 201


I need to create a script that automates logging time in tickets. I have a problem, at our company we have a JIRA that we can connect trough WorklogPRO Apiary, im reffering to:

But any script that I try to use returns me 200 and never 201. I can see in the response that it sees my account and it connected but it never creates nothing. I tries to use both script in Python 3 and in Python 2 as the Apiary documentation speaks only about Python 2, but both give the same result

I would really be grateful if you could help me with this problem. I don’t know what the matter is. If I am missing something in the workLogAttributes , I think it should tell me that in the error instead of just giving back a 200 status code. Maybe someone has encountered something similar in the past.

Best regards

My code in Python 3:

from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import json

from datetime import datetime

values = json.dumps({
    "issueKey": "{ISSUEKEY}",
    "workStart": "2025-01-09T00:00:00+0000",
    "timeSpent": 3600,
    "comment": "this is *comment*",
    "adjustEstimate": "auto",
    "workLogAttributes": [
        "attrTypeId": 1,
        "attrValue": "{ATTRVALUE}"

headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {API TOKEN}",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

request = Request('http://jira.{MY COMPANY}/rest/com.deniz.jira.worklog/1.0/worklog', data=values.encode('utf-8'), headers=headers)

response_body = urlopen(request).read()