I am trying to create an application for Jira Service Desk, however, I keep getting stuck at the following point:
After successfully generating a valid JWT, I try to access the rest URL via cURL, but I keep getting 401, unauthorized:
This is the function where I call the JWT-creature function:
public function generateJWT() {
$j = new JWTModel();
$o = new ObjectModel();
$r = new RestModel();
$object = $o->getClientByUrl('https://<my-instance-for-demo>.atlassian.net');
$jwt = $j->generate(10000, $object->key, $object->clientKey, $object->sharedSecret);
print_r($r->issueData($jwt, 10000));
This is the function that creates the JWT:
public function generate($issue, $key, $clientKey, $sharedSecret) {
$token = [
"iss" => $key,
"iat" => time(),
"exp" => time() * 3600,
"sub" => $clientKey,
"qsh" => hash('sha256', "GET&/rest/api/latest/issue/" . $issue)
$jwt = JWT::encode($token, $sharedSecret);
return $jwt;
And eventually the cURL-function:
public function issueData($jwt, $issue) {
try {
$curl = new Curl();
$curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_POST, false);
$curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Authorization: JWT ' . $jwt, 'Content-type: application/json']);
$curl->post("https://<my-instance-for-demo>.atlassian.net/rest/api/latest/issue/" . $issue);
return $curl->response;
} catch (\ErrorException $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
This is my connect:
"name": "XXXX XXX",
"description": "XXX makes your life easier",
"key": "xxxx-app",
"baseUrl": "https://xxx.xxxx.nl",
"vendor": {
"name": "xxxx",
"url": "http://xxx.nl"
"links": {
"self": "https://xxx.xxx.nl/atlassian-connect.json",
"homepage": "https://xxx.nl/"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/unstalled"
"scopes": [
"apiVersion": 1,
"modules": {
"webPanels": [{
"conditions": [{
"condition": "user_is_logged_in"
"key": "xxx-xxx-insert",
"name": {
"value": "xxx"
"url": "/canned?project={servicedesk.serviceDeskId}&issueId={issue.id}&issueKey={issue.key}",
"location": "atl.jira.view.issue.left.context",
"layout": {
"width": "100%",
"height": "100px"
"weight": 999
Does anyone sees the point where I made a mistake?