Launching higher pricing tiers upto 50k for confluence cloud apps

Hello Marketplace Partners,

As you already know, in March, we launched new pricing tiers for confluence. We initially communicated that the new tiers would be available for Confluence Cloud apps in July, but we’re excited to announce that we were able to bring the new pricing tiers to you faster than expected!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of higher per user pricing tiers for Confluence cloud apps that will allow you to provide more tailored pricing to attract large enterprise customers in cloud. We initially shared details about this release last month here in the Partner Portal. The new tiers for Jira would be launched soon.

With this launch, we have introduced new tiers beyond 35,000 up to 50,000. Specifically, we are introducing (3) new user tiers 35001-40000, 40001-45000, 45001-50000. This allows you to set more granular pricing structures for your cloud apps targeting large enterprise cloud customers.

The per user price of the new tiers will default to the price of 30001-35000 tier until you update the prices.

Dinesh Kollosu