May Developer Community Events

We’re well into May and have a number of great events lined up for the developer community!

Developer Day 2021 - May 25

We’ve updated the Developer Day 2021 registration site with talk titles and speakers (abstracts landing soon!). If you’re eager to dive deep into Forge, this event is for you! You’ll get to hear from multiple Atlassians building on Forge and dive into what has shipped since last Developer Day, what is coming soon, and have the opportunity to ask a panel of Forge folks any questions you have. Register now :zap:

DX Office Hours - May 18

Even though Developer Day hasn’t happened yet, we’re excited to start planning our next developer events. So we’re dedicating this month’s DX Office Hours to talk about what types of events you want to see in the coming year. If you’ve loved an App Week or Atlas Camp or another Atlassian developer event, come let us know why. We’re eager to put together more events that pull together your favorite aspects from previous events. Register here :coffee:

Lean Coffee for Atlassian Platform Developers - May 13

This event is graciously hosted by @danielwester and is a great place to ask other Atlassian developers about the platform. The conversation is always insightful and fun. Sign up here :hammer_and_wrench:

Marketplace Vendor Community Get-together - May 26

If you’re an Atlassian Marketplace Vendor, come join the conversation! This Lean Coffee-style event is also graciously hosted by @danielwester. Register here :door:


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