I don’t know if this is only appearing on ecosystem beta instances, but my development site has a new content menu layout:
Unfortunately, it is breaking add-on menu links. In the screenshot above, both the “Slack Notifications” and “Feature” links are broken. When you click on them, depending on the user context, you fall through to an empty JIRA page with an error flag or JSD portal.
I can’t find anything about this change being documented anywhere so far. But since it has also broken the “Slack Notifications” menu link, I suspect it’s not intentional. Hopefully, this isn’t being rolled out across production sites.
We are seeing the order of these menu items moving around in unexpected ways, though the links still work for us so far. We are going to investigate on our EAP servers and will post back if we find anything broken in the way you describe though.
EDIT: When I tried the Slack Notifications link, we got the dreaded “something went wrong” flag in the lower left. No other details shown in the dev console.
There wasn’t a notice sent to Ecosystem Beta testing sites. We normally announce it in Confluence Cloud Announcements - The Atlassian Developer Community around the same time the change goes out to Ecosystem Beta sites. This time the community post went out later than normal (still before customer release though).
Is there a different form of notice you were expecting?