OAuth 2 (3LO) testing my app with more accounts before going live

As far as I can see, only I as the developer of the app can use OAuth2 to log in to my app as it is still in beta stage.
I am not ready to publish my app is I want to see if it is a viable product before investing time and money creating privacy policies and t&cs.
Is there any way to be able to test the app with other accounts before publishing?

Hi @JoshuaMiller,

Welcome to Atlassian Developer Community!

Couple of things that can help you take this forward:

  • You are right. Since 3LO is still in beta, to be able to test your app with multiple users, you still need to raise a ticket to enable public distribution of your app. Here is where you can raise the ticket.
  • At this time, 3LO-based integrations are not being accepted into the Atlassian Marketplace. If your app has been accepted into the beta, you can distribute/syndicate your integration by sharing your authorisation URL with your user base, or within your own documentation.


Hi @aagrawal2,

I have few doubts regarding making an OAUTH 3LO app making public.My use case is some what similar to Joshua.
Following are my questions,

  1. What are the basic prerequisites before making an OAUTH app public?
  2. Does we need a paid Atlassian account to do that?
  3. How many days does this process takes?

Looking forward to hear from you.

Vishnu Ranjan N.

Hi @vishnuranjan,

  1. There isn’t any strict prerequisite. We hope that you have an idea of what your 3LO app will do and you mention that in description while creating the ticket.
  2. I normal Atlassian account which you use to login in developer.atlassian.com will do.
  3. We enable it within a week.


Hi @aagrawal2,

Thanks for the quick response and sorry to bother you again. I just have 2 more questions

  1. We will be storing access and refresh tokens, atlassian site id, project id and issue type id to create issue on user’s behalf when the website he is monitoring in our product goes down after user’s consent.

Does this come under storing Personal Data?

I have referred the document https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/user-privacy-developer-guide/ mentioned in OAUTH app page. It mentioned only about user personal details like account-id. No references of above fields. Hence I want to make sure. Attaching the screenshot for reference.

Please correct me If I am wrong

  1. After making the OAUTH app public, can we change the configurations like redirect_url, name etc.

Thanks in advance.

Vishnu Ranjan N.

hi @vishnuranjan,

  1. Yes, you got it right. :+1: Only user details are considered personal data.
  2. Yes, you can change them :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @aagrawal2,

Is it possible to make this process a bit quicker.
I submitted the request to make the app public 2 days ago and I really need the app to be public asap.

The request ID is [DEVHELP-4040]
Can you help me out?

Thank you!

I mean I understand this is urgent to you but if you submitted this on Saturday you should understand that most Atlassians probably/hopefully don’t work over the weekend. Depending on their timezone you theoretically only submitted this ticket a few business hours ago, if even any at all.

Just to manage your expectations a little for the future: it’s pretty normal that you’ll have to wait at least one or more business days before you get a response on these kinds of tickets. :slight_smile:

Hi @sven.schatter,

I developed the app, and on Saturday thought that it was like a button switch to make it live only to find out it has to undergo review (probably my bad that I did not go into the Distribute section sooner).
The frustration comes from the fact that there is literally nothing they can review.
It’s just a third party app making a bunch of calls to the Jira Cloud API.
It cannot be added to the marketplace.
It will be used only by the users in our organisation.

Can you tell me what they will be reviewing?

The point that I am trying to make here is that the process to give access to multiple users for this kind of apps should be a lot more smoother.

PS. There a lot of companies with 24h support (over the weekends also).

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No, I can’t and I totally understand your frustration. We’ve also waited several weeks on some tickets for what seemed like just a flick of a switch for Atlassian. The reality was, that from the Atlassian side the process was pretty complex and there were many factors at play that slowed down response time. So I’ve learned that it’s quite presumptuous to assume something is just a flick of a switch for Atlassian - even if it absolutely seems like that from the outside.

And I’m pretty sure Atlassian does as well. Just not with free developer support (that isn’t critical). I definitely wouldn’t expect Atlassian to work on tickets that end in HELP (e.g. DEVHELP, AMKTHELP, DCHELP) over the weekend. Treat these like you’re talking to any other partner. :slight_smile:

Thanks for reaching out @ArmandBertea. I will take a look at the ticket and reply to it asap.

Hey @aagrawal2!
Thank you for reviewing this. I replyed to your comments in the service desk.

Hi @aagrawal2 any chance you can also take a look at our pending public request as well?

It’s DEVHELP-4138 and has been pending for over a week.