Precision of language in security question

We keep on getting support tickets over this line in the security page:

End-User Data processed and/or stored in logs outside of Atlassian products and services

This isn’t clear whether it’s saying:

(End-User Data processed outside of Atlassian products and services) and/or (end-user data stored in logs outside of Atlassian products and services)


(End-User Data processed in logs outside of Atlassian products and services) and/or (end-user data stored in logs outside of Atlassian products and services)

We pick the first case as the worse case and answer yes, but users are split roughly 50/50 between the two meanings. That’s bad as the the two lines mean very different things. Please could the sentence be expanded out to clarify the meaning.


“and/or” should never be used in a description like this. If you mean OR use or.

Our reading was basically “end user data leaves Atlassian services”. Customers probably want to know specifically if it is stored externally to Atlassian services.

This needs addressing, it’s confusing end users again and again.