Privacy API - Status


Atlassian communicated that all app listings need to indicate that the app is storing (or not) user sensitive data by Dec 10.

If it is, it should implement a ‘privacy api’ which is now in early access

When would it be appropriate to start implementing this API, and how should we answer the privacy question if the API has not been implemented yet on our side (because it is not final)

It’s a bit of a struggle


Hello @francis,

The API is ready now so if your app is storing user sensitive data then please start calling the API so that your app erases user sensitive data when necessary.

If your app does store personal data, please indicate so and then prioritise calling the API.




It will take a couple of weeks to get it done. How should we categorise the app until then


Please indicate the status of your app in your marketplace listing now.

It does not need to be coupled to your implementation of the privacy API.

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Ah ok - clear.
